Parque Natural de Lucainena


Legal and Technical Information

Informative details

The final purpose of this website is to provide the user with information of property developments and services rendered by Parque Natural de Lucainena. Parque Natural de Lucainena reserves the right to make, at any moment and without prior notice, any change in the content, information, fee and services of this website and/or its structure.

The information container in this website does not constitute a binding offer and therefore does not force the user to make any deal with Parque Natural de Lucainena. This website may show links to other websites owned by third parties irrespectively of this website. Parque Natural de Lucainena will not be responsible of the information provided throughout the aforementioned links by any individual or company.
Parque Natural de Lucainena shall not be responsible for any damage derived from interferences, omissions, power cuts, viruses, phone connection failures or disconnections in the network operating performance (phone, Internet, etc), due to any cause beyond Parque Natural de Lucainena control, such as delays or blockades for any shortcomings or electric overload occurred in the Data Processing Centre of Parque Natural de Lucainena, be it in the Internet system or in any other electric system, as well as possible damages that may be caused by third parties by mean of illegal meddling in the system, beyond Parque Natural de Lucainena control. Likewise, Parque Natural de Lucainena shall not be responsible of any damage that any client may suffer as a result of mistakes, defects or omissions in the information given by Parque Natural de Lucainena, provided that such information comes by other sources.
Parque Natural de Lucainena no será responsable de los posibles daños o perjuicios que se pudieran derivar de interferencias, omisiones, interrupciones, virus informáticos, averías telefónicas o desconexiones en el funcionamiento operativo del sistema elegido (red telefónica, Internet, etc.), motivadas por causas ajenas a Parque Natural de Lucainena de retrasos o bloqueos en el uso del sistema elegido causados por deficiencias o sobrecargas de líneas telefónicas o sobrecargas en el Centro de Proceso de datos de Parque Natural de Lucainena, en el sistema de Internet o en otros sistema electrónicos, así como de daños que puedan ser causados por terceras personas mediante intromisiones ilegítimas en el sistema elegido, fuera del control de Parque Natural de Lucainena. Asimismo, se exonera a Parque Natural de Lucainena. de responsabilidad ante cualquier daño o perjuicio que pudiera sufrir el Cliente como consecuencia de errores, defectos u omisiones en la información facilitada por Parque Natural de Lucainena., siempre que proceda de fuentes ajenas al mismo.

Data Privacy.

In compliance with the provisions set out by Organic Law 15/ 1999, of the 13th of December – (LOPD), we inform you that personal information collected through the forms hosted on will be incorporated in a database exclusively property of Parque Natural de Lucainena. This information will only be accessible by Parque Natural de Lucainena and in no case will it be passed on to third parties. Also you are entitled to retain the right to access, rectify, cancel and contend their information as stipulated by law, by sending an e-mail to

Information about contents.

The pictures, animations and any other content included in this website are owned by Parque Natural de Lucainena or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, transfer, storage or public communication, that is in whole or in part, must be express consented by Parque Natural de Lucainena. Parque Natural de Lucainena reserves the right to file the correspondent legal claims